onsdag 17 november 2010

Je t'aime moi non plus

Just came back from a discussion session about sustainable fashion at Form/design center. It was really intressting talking about what sustainable fashion really is and how we shall impact ourselves for a better cause for the environment. It was also people from different generation and interssting to hear how the different generation approach and their views upon the subject.

I also just finished my mood board for the Fall for me Collection. The startpoint from me was paris and I wanted to do something connecting the typical type of Fashion with this romantic side with delicious food and cultures heritage with this new underground Paris and more rough urban side. Of course tecktonik beeing a big inspiration for this side. The name of the collection is a little word game. Being a Autumn/ Winter collection "Fall" seams very relevant but also the hole name "Fall for Me" because the first thing I think of when I hear Paris is the city of Love.

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