onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Night at the musuem

This is a portrait of Alice Neel that she made herself.

Yesterday evening I was invited to a mingle/vernissage at the Modern Museum. It was really fun and interesting. They have a new exhibition there right now with the American painter Alice Neel. We got a round show and the guide told us some things that was interesting to now and this we later could anlys with what she told us on other pices at the permanent exhibition. I've seen the permanent exhibition before so it was my third time but the most giving because of the guide.

I got some inspiration I could use whenever and some more specific inspiration that will come in handy for the presentation I'll be having in school on Monday. Maybe I'll make a new movie of that one and post it here, just for some learning of the moviemaking aswell. On girl in school today had made a really hyped shortmovie, it was really good so I want to do something in that range aswell :P.

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