Borrowed a wonderful Photobook from the photographer Sabastião Salgado. He takes the most wonderful of phople and places. But the photos shows the most horrible sights. It honestly makes me cry and want to engage my life into helping people. If I were to be a doctor I would work for Doctors without Boundaries or the Red Cross. For some year ago I thought of maybe voulteer in India or Africa for some months and this book made me think those thoughts again. Volunteering is something I want to do sometime and I think a lot of people can't see me do that and it would be so pleasing for me to know that I have pulled a straw to the stack aswell. I have always thought of adopting aswell just because there are so many orphans all over the world who live in miserable conditions, so why should I bring another child into life when I could give a life for a child which's already is alive.
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