onsdag 13 april 2011
lördag 2 april 2011
Mirage Chaud

So this is what I'm going to sew together today. I'm also gonna hit the city and do some Africa research. The inspiration is Africa and the desert and safari stuff
I have a name in consideration for the collection and it's Mirage Chaud, but haven't decided yet.
Also join my group on Facebook to look at the pictures from the Photoshoot.
torsdag 31 mars 2011
Woop Woop
This time for Africa

Borrowed a wonderful Photobook from the photographer Sabastião Salgado. He takes the most wonderful of phople and places. But the photos shows the most horrible sights. It honestly makes me cry and want to engage my life into helping people. If I were to be a doctor I would work for Doctors without Boundaries or the Red Cross. For some year ago I thought of maybe voulteer in India or Africa for some months and this book made me think those thoughts again. Volunteering is something I want to do sometime and I think a lot of people can't see me do that and it would be so pleasing for me to know that I have pulled a straw to the stack aswell. I have always thought of adopting aswell just because there are so many orphans all over the world who live in miserable conditions, so why should I bring another child into life when I could give a life for a child which's already is alive.
onsdag 23 mars 2011
Knock on wood
lördag 19 mars 2011
Alors en danse

Came back from Belrin on Monday. I hade a wonderful weekend meeting loads of fun inspireing people. Didn't do so much stuff just walked around enjoying my company and the spring which had arrived in Berlin.
Went straight to school afterwards and had my presentation for the men's collection. Got a pair of tips of progress so now when I'm strating up my last school project I want to do it all superduperannalicious so that it will be the best ever.
Also had some meetings regarding a exhibition our class will have. Come to Form/Design Center in week 15 and see the Recycled project we had this Fall :D.
Otherwise it's not much new going on. Have started my final collection but it's just at the sketch fase. HAve starting very little on doing some toaille pieces.
But now I'm heading in to the City for some Springshopping, hopefully I'll find some shoes ;) And then alors danse die ganze nacht ;)
Dreaming Away,
torsdag 10 mars 2011
Thursday Tea
I have had a couple of very busy weeks behinde me. But I can then tell you that my silver sweaters are finished. They are like the one above. And my shirt for my Mens collection is finished. The collection will be presented in school on Monday then some pictures will come up here too.
My class will also have an exhibition at Form/Deisgn Center in week 15, so today I were on a meeting regarding that and the Fashion Event my class will have there on the 28th of may.
These latest days in school we have had a visit from the University and they have had a workshop with us. Where we were to think of a Man 20 years forward, how will he live, eat, what will he wear, are there more varieties in his way to dress? It wasn't so easy to think of this scenario and the build a world around it and do some sketches. I'll present it tomorrow, hopefully it will be fun and inspiring to see how the others in the class thought.
I have also found a studio an a photography where I can take some nice pictures of my clothes. So I can start build up a real portfolio.
So I'm very exciting over that and I'm exciting over that I'm going to Berlin this weekend. It will be a nice relaxing stop and hopefully filled with inspiration so I won't forget my Camera ;).
fredag 4 mars 2011
fredag 25 februari 2011
Everyboy's gonna pray on the very last day.
So this little school break is now on its last hours. I've had a delicious break, relaxing at home, having some licious lunch with my majalicious, want to the cinema and saw True Grit (really greath see it!). I've also been working some and sewing and do a little mens collection which soon will be finished. I'll do the last things now and listen to Stil in p1. Last weekend was also the best of this year so far for 2011, a lovely friend came and visited me and we had a blast all weekend hanging with our friends eating crépes several times and doing some serious shopping.

And here's some Annalicious inspiration. Gucci fall 2011, I know I'm a guccifreak but for me it's always so elegant and sofisticated and I really like the style Frida Giannini has brought to the house.
So now I'm just gonna chill rest off the weekend beacuse next week is going to be really hectic.
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