fredag 29 oktober 2010

Fredags Mys

Fick underbara Plaza idag och i den tipsade dem om en utställning i Hamburg och den hade jag tänkt gå på iaf men nu vill jag verkligen inte missa det.

Håller på att pimpa min skjorta så hoppas jag blir klar med den ikväll och lite andra school stuff. Så att nästa vecka blir lite mer chill. Vi har lov men har redan saker upp till tänderna att göra.

Ska ju även hjälpa till på en Modevisning som är Söndagen v. 44 på Erikshjälpen second hand i Lund, missa inte detta :D.


Just been making sketches today while I'm so tired of sewing. Or not really but I've just been making shirts this latest two weeks so needed a break. And we have gotten some differents materials at school so I wanted to try everything while I have to buy my own set next week.

The sketches didn't turn out that great but it was only to practice differnet tecniques and so. The one in the middle is the one I'm most satisfied with and the black one on the left side is a early sketch of something I am to do for a exhibition next year. The key word there is recycling.

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Pojken med guldbyxorna

This is part of a shirt I'm working on for a exhibition/event that will be on the 12-14 november. The event is called Artconnect and I hope many people will stop by and see the exhibition. It's three schools that have been wokring togther. The workshops I mentioned a couple weeks ago was for this exhibiton. Now I'm gonna pimp the shirt up a bit, but as you can see it's gonna have some golden pockets to put all the money into ;).

tisdag 26 oktober 2010

Mumbai vs New York

This is a school work that I presented yesterday in school. We were to analys and do are own interpretation from the two cities Mumbai and New York.And this is how my Pecha Kucha ended ;).

söndag 24 oktober 2010

Tax Free

The lovely Liselotte Watkins has got her own vodka named after her. Absolut Watkins. It will only be purchased in Taxfree shops and in a limited edition. I hope i can buy one next week when I take off to Hamburg over the break.


Vad håller jag på med? Resultatet ser du imorgon ;)

onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Night at the musuem

This is a portrait of Alice Neel that she made herself.

Yesterday evening I was invited to a mingle/vernissage at the Modern Museum. It was really fun and interesting. They have a new exhibition there right now with the American painter Alice Neel. We got a round show and the guide told us some things that was interesting to now and this we later could anlys with what she told us on other pices at the permanent exhibition. I've seen the permanent exhibition before so it was my third time but the most giving because of the guide.

I got some inspiration I could use whenever and some more specific inspiration that will come in handy for the presentation I'll be having in school on Monday. Maybe I'll make a new movie of that one and post it here, just for some learning of the moviemaking aswell. On girl in school today had made a really hyped shortmovie, it was really good so I want to do something in that range aswell :P.

It's been a hard days night

Here's the Pecha Kucha presentation I held at school today. First comes some inspiration pieces, we had to work with the Baroq, Rokoko and Empire. At the end comes my skteches and a dress which I've made. It's for a friend and we are gonna head out a day when it's nice weather and take some pictures on the pieces I've done sofar this Autumn.

I also think that there won't be a real fall collection for me this fall, because I havn't got the time. Instead I'll just show you the clothes I've made this spring so there won't be a red line through it but I think you'll appriciate it anyway ;).

söndag 17 oktober 2010

Coffee for two

In the latest period of time I've gotten more and more intressted of coffeetables books. This is some I want to have laying on my sofa table. And there in my perfect apartment I could lay for hours drinking Lattes from my own barista and just looking through the pages and just be inspired. That's want I want to do in the next weeks. But then Life has another approach.
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fredag 15 oktober 2010

Off for some wining and dining in Terry Nichols style

Lyssnade nyss på Stil I P1 och det fick mig att vilja måla mina läppar röda. Det var riktigt intressant. Susanne Ljung intervjuade bland annat en Barbro som jobbade på Elizabeth Arden i sina unga dar.

Mozart und Vivaldi geht zum Catwalk

Bin grad ganz färdig mit meine neue Collektion und an der Vordrag möchte ich musik von Mozart oder sowas haben ;).

So this is the Collection inspired form the 17th and 18th Century. I'll fill it in with colours on Monday in school.

Nu ska jag bara fotta ena klänningen och behöver då någon som vill göra detta på måndag?? Anyone?? Hör av er så fort ni kan ;).

torsdag 14 oktober 2010

Electric Feel

Fick denna boken idag som jag har beställt second hand över internet. En otroligt bra bok om klädedräktens historia från egyptierna och framåt. Här står allt och lite till om hur människorna såg ut. Det finns även olika beskrivningar och illustrationer hur man kan knyta en toga och saris på olika sätt och ännu mer. Bra till imorgondagen då jag ska göra skolarbete inom Barockens dräkthistoria.

I'm in the Corner watching you kiss her

Made this today when I was at home beeing ill. Just been up and done some schetches for school next week. The progress you'll see tomorrow ... and I've just listened to Robyn all day.

onsdag 13 oktober 2010

Money Money Money

Yesterday I was and saw the New Wall Street movie. It was really good and intressting to see. It was also pretty cool to watch it because we were only about 20 pers at the cinema which could take upto 680 people. Now I want to see the old Wall street movie just to compare them ;).

Farligt Begär

Dessa skorna väcker stort habegär hos mig. De är från Malene Birgers kommande sommarkollektion.

lördag 9 oktober 2010

Das wunder aus schweden

Hab vergessen zu erzählen das ich gestern abend war und hab die Musikal Das wunder aus Schweden geshen. Es bin jetzt übersetzt geworden und gespielt hier in Malmö. Es war wirklich toll und viele lächeln war dabei. Als ich im Hamburg wohnt hab ich gar nix verstanden dass die Musikal war über IKEA aber ein bisschen schade dass ich es nicht im HH gesehen habe.

Ich hab es mit meine IKEA freundinen aus Düsseldorf gesehen und es war auch toll die wiederzusehen. Ich vermisse wirklich mein Zeit im Deutschland und wie das Deutsche leben funktiuniert. Alles hierhin nervt mir. hahai (aber ich weiss doch auch dass sachen dann im Deutschland wird mich nerven wenn ich dahin wohnen würde) .

Liebe Grüsse.

Jeg flagger rundt

Today I was in Copenhagen and had a really fun time with some friends from my new class and of course my old homie C. We went to a fashion flea market and everybody did some bargains. The market was in a part of the city I've never been to before. So that was fun seeing new parts of the city. Then we walked in to the central parts and did some more shopping, so much fun time. Really love Copenhagen I want to live there later on.

This evening I've met up with a friend from Hamburg and we went out for dinner. She was just passing thorough on her way to Hamburg and when we talked about the city. Both of us noticed that we really miss Hamburg. Hamburg is such a lovely city I want to live there later on too. For now on I'll just have to be happy about the fact that I'm going there in three weeks :D.


The last three days in school we have been working on a project with to other schools that's gonna turn in to a axhibition. The event is called art connect and the piont is that we are to work with these other schools in three workshops and create something that will be presented at the exhibition. The first day we did some graffiti painting, the second day we did animations and the last day we were at my school and did clothes out of paper. It was really funny and I really like the idea.

Next friday we are gonna have a party together with some really fun things on the programme and then the exhibition will be able to be seen here in Malmö the 12-13 november so please come and watch :D.

torsdag 7 oktober 2010

So much Ideas so little time

There are so much things going through my head right now that i don't even now how to start thinking about them. And then I remeber i should listen to Madonna. And I have forgotten how great I think Celebration is. It makes me soooo happy so now I'm like dancing around. There is so much fun in school right now. Tell you all about it tomorrow. I have a lot going on but I like it so then you have to be very organized and right now there is so many people un organized in their life so I'm getting naiuseus from them :P. But now i'm gonna head back to my madonna and my to do list ;).

It is always fun when you are in symbios with your sewing machine it's like we're a team. But I hate when the underthread is empty.

XOXo you know you love me .A.

måndag 4 oktober 2010


Köpte lite makeup saker från ID häromveckan och har nu hunnit testa det. Och resultatet är otroligt. Först så tror man kanske inte att det kommer täcka alla ens skavanker så mycket men det gör det och det täcker lagom. Så att hudens naturliga skiftningar får lysa igenom men inte stora hudförändriungar. Den lägger sig på huden som ett naturligt täcke och det håller länge med och man känner sig fräsch inte så att man tycker att det försvinner eller rinner av. Så det får ett högt betyg av mig ;).