tisdag 29 juni 2010

Bingo Royale

I'm just high on my own air right now. This will be and are a great summer and it will just get better and better then fall comes with a lot of fun happenings.

It is really warm righty now and the summer is finally here, but the other day i just wanted to take my bike hom through the park with its yellow and orange leafs and feel a could breeze through my cardigan and have a big scarf around my neck.

Today was another day, can't wait til next time I'm out with my girlies drinking mojitos dancing to this song and you can just feel the INFINITY ....

söndag 27 juni 2010

Arabiska natt

Helgen avslutades med orientaliska beat som fick hela kroppen att vilja dansa. Istanbul någon??

Maihala Rai Banda heter bandet som gjorde att folk drog sig till scenen.

Hon har blommor i sitt hår som bara jag kan se

Livet på landet är det bästa som finns. Min midsommarhelg var den bästa på länge med många aktiviteter på schemat. Nu är det jobb en vecka med ljuva sommarkvällar där tennis kommer att varvas med rosé sedan så bär det av till sydkustens små grusvägar igen.

måndag 21 juni 2010

Walk Walk Fashion Baby work it I'm a Free BITCH

Pic: Jak and Jil

So I went and made a applicationtest for a Fashion school here in Malmö this Friday, it was a really fun and inspiring day meeting new people and just talking about Fashion.

I'll keep my fingers crossed. There was also a test in Fashion knowledge and what do you know about Fashion??

If you know who the person on the picture is and where she is working, then you have impressed me :).
(hon har samma namn som tjejen på bilden nedaför)

My first Month of pure Freedome

So as I'm back in Sweden chillin' my old style, I thought I should let YOU know what I've been up to first time as a unemployed "young adult". The first week the only thing I did was to sleep. Then I went for a little trip with my parents to Småland. After that weekend I started catching up with old friends, my grannie and searching for jobs.

I went to see a lot of different exhibition, one at Design/Forum with the exam work from different Design schools. Me and my Culture buddies also went to the Art school to see their exam work wich was really have a lot of good criticism and thoughts about our world and traditions. In Småland I saw a Photo exhibition comparing the old Gergia with the New. My Father I went out to the notorious city part of Malmö one Saturday seeing and beeing apart of a really cool exhibition out in the sousurroundings.

Then I got some visitors in form of Anna who is current in Hamburg. We had a lovely mini weekend seeing Malmö, Copenhagen and Lund. Then I got a unexpected visit from my friend Jonas in Stockholm, we only had a bike sightseeing in Malmö but with a bite of Shopping and Coffee dazu ^^.

I played Tennis constantly (I would say) for three weeks and are now fit for my summer matches, which the first one will take place tomorrow.

So to summerize my Month of unemployment it was quite good and had a lot of fun stoff included. And this summer will just have more fun coming in.

I'll keep you posted when I do anything inspiring :).

torsdag 17 juni 2010

Deutsch mera Deutsch se upp här kommer mera Deutsch

Hallo, bin wieder da, aber nur ein kleines bisschen. Ich hab die Hände voll und möchte nur ein Tips für alle meine Schwedische Freunden, der auch deutsch spricht geben.

Eine deutsche Bekantin zu mir macht jetzt ein zwei monate lang praktikum im Schottland. Sie schreibt dann ein Blog um das Zeit, so folgt sie gerne um das Deutsch zu wiederholen.

Morgen mache ich ein prüfung für die Modeschule hier im Malmö und danach fahre ich zum Land. Bin wieder da nächste woche und schreibt wie das prüfung gegangen war und was ich in die letzte woche gemacht habe.

Alles Gutes :D

Imorgon har jag ett prov om Mode :S

lördag 12 juni 2010

ooooh the flossy flossy :D

Bio och Bellinis vilken trevlig kombo :D.

måndag 7 juni 2010


Jag har badat, har du det^^